Taking Your Pet on the Road - Should You?
Pets On The Road
More than 60 percent of truckers report having pets, with more than 40 percent traveling with them in their trucks. While not all companies allow drivers to travel with pets, there are currently 41 trucking companies that do allow drivers to take pets on the road. Does your best friend ride shotgun in your trucking travels?
From companionship to health, traveling with your pet offers an array of benefits:
More than merely company, bringing a pet on the road with you helps reduce depression and loneliness, and offers an ice-breaker for conversations with new people you may come in contact with on the road. In addition, bringing along companion animals offers an array of health benefits: walking animals daily helps control weight and diabetes risks, secondhand smoke concerns prompt many drivers to quit, and caring for pets is well known for reducing blood pressure. What's more, many truckers feel keeping their pets with them in their travels helps inspires them to be happier, safer drivers.
Pet-friendly trucking tips:
- Familiarize yourself with pet-friendly truck shops and stops.
- Keep fresh water available in the truck, and be vigilant about bathroom breaks.
- Keep shot/vet records on-hand at all times, and talk to your vet about possible health risks unique to trucking with your pet such as altitude sickness, heartworm meds due to increased mosquito risks, and more.
- Realize fuel island water is not safe for pet consumption, and be wary of outdoor hazards such as anti-freeze. Take care to safely store medicine, food, and trash in-cab.
- Never leave your pet outside or poorly attended. They could be stolen or otherwise harmed by weather, traffic hazards, and more.
- Block off access to clutch/brake and under-seat areas where your pet could become tangled until they adapt to the new environment, and try to create a secure riding area in case of sudden stops.
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