Trucker Left Dangling from Bridge for An Hour

August 27, 2015

Bridge Incident

You're out on the open road and out of the blue, you're in a situation that you know from experience isn't going to end well. Whether it's due to other drivers being distracted, a tire blows out on the car in front of you, rain creating slick patches, or the fella in front of you slams on his brakes, all can lead to truck driving accidents.

Recently, a Michigan driver was faced with such a situation when the driver in a car in front of the truck slammed on the brakes causing the trucker to respond instantly. Unfortunately, the action resulted in the truck skidding into the left lane of a 4-lane highway.

In an effort to correct the situation to avoid hitting other drivers, he turned to the right putting him in direct contact with a retaining wall and he ended up going over the bridge where he hung suspended for over an hour. A bad situation that fortunately had a happy ending.

Trucking accidents are, unfortunately, a reality and can occur for reasons that are out of the driver's control.

To provide truckers with everything needed while making the long haul, many truck stops are now offering onsite medical and dental services. Check this phone app for information. Along with food and fuel, stops are full service with medical staff and dentists ready to take care of problems.

This is great news whenever you're not feeling up-to-par, whenever your stomach is upset, you're running a fever, blood-pressure is running too high, or you've lost a filling and you have a toothache. Staying healthy keeps your reflexes fine-tuned supporting safety on the highway.

If you want to stay up-to-date on news, events, tips, and just about anything else you need as a trucker, visit us at for the latest news. If you have a question, contact us using our convenient online form.

Phone / Fax
(800) 240-5811
Mailing Address
Trucker To Trucker, LLC 13330 SR 17 Granger, IN 46530