Need a Job? We're Looking for 890,000 New Truck Drivers
Look No Further For A New Job
Every business needs to plot a future with regards to keeping enough employees to do the job, especially if the business is growing. In the long term, an industry that is successful must make sure that during growth and retirement, there are always enough people to step in and fill the void. The more successful the business, the greater the growth and the more employees that need to be hired. It's a simple equation that also pertains to the trucking industry as well.
We Have a Situation Here
The situation is this. Over the course of the next year, the trucking industry will need to hire about 73,000 new drivers just to keep up with the burgeoning economy. In fact, just to make ends meet for now, an additional 47,000 plus drivers this year would be ideal to keep up with customers orders in the coming months. If we take this further down the road, and if the industry keeps growing as it has been, an additional 175,000 truckers will need to be hired, just to keep pace, by 2024! And those figures are just for new trucker hires.
We Have a Bigger Situation Here
The bigger situation is this. When you take into account the average age of truckers on the road today, which is 49 years old, in the upcoming decade there are going to be a lot of people ready to retire. While all of that is fine and good, those truckers must also need to be replaced, to the tune of nearly 900,000 new drivers. That averages somewhere around 89,000 per year!
Needless to say, if a relative, a friend or a friend of a friend ever wanted to be a trucker, there is no better time than now.
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