$4.6 Million Grant to Teamsters to Boost Training in Trucking Industry

October 20, 2015

Expanding The Trucking Force

Once again, trucking jobs throughout the industry is breaking news. Truck driving and support jobs are in high demand, and the U.S. Department of Labor has given the Teamsters Union a grant to provide training for instructors, high school grads, non-driving support people who want to become truck drivers, and military vets.

Let's say one good thing about our government. They know a good thing when they see one, and they'll finance it to keep everything moving right along. More jobs means less unemployment, and less unemployment means more tax revenue. Here is the official news blurb from the Teamsters themselves:

The United States Department of Labor has awarded a $4.6 million grant to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters to boost training in the trucking industry. The Teamsters' Safety and Health Department will use the money to develop apprenticeship programs for industry workers.

"The Teamsters are at the forefront of worker training, and this new grant from the Labor Department will enable workers to get the skills that employers seek," said James P. Hoffa, Teamsters general president.

Proof Positive

This proves, once again, that trucking, and the services supplied by truckers, is in hot demand around the country, while becoming one of the fastest growing segments of the economy.

As we all know, trucking is a vital aspect of supply and demand, and without trucks, the economy would stop dead in its tracks.

So get the word out, this is an amazing opportunity! There is money out there available for training to those who want to get into this business or those already employed and want to expand their roles. The jobs are high in pay, there is plenty of work available, and for the foreseeable future, there is no end in sight.

Hey, for the best in news, information or even selling your rig, hook up with Trucker to Trucker on the Net. We'll steer you right, every time.

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