Even Small Business isn't Exempt from the eLog Mandate
eLog Future
Electronic logging devices, ELD or eLog for short, are one of the federal mandates that will go into effect in late 2017. You can argue for or against them, and there are pluses and minuses both ways, but one thing to consider is the price of installation on every rig.
Price Estimates
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration or FMCSA for short, gave a basic estimate of $800 dollars per truck, to outfit it with an eLog device. That was based strictly on hardware, and on that specification alone, they are probably close to being correct.
However, the actual price is a bit murky and may not be wholly reflected in that estimate. Here's a blurb about the actual cost:
"Public commenters subsequently took the agency to task on those numbers, saying FMCSA failed to account for unmeasured but costly impacts to the industry from an ELD mandate, such as greater driver turnover, extra compliance personnel, additional driver training, device maintenance and more.
Commenters instead placed the annual costs of compliance at between $800 and $6,000, much higher than the "very conservative approach," said commenters, to ELD costs taken by FMCSA in its proposed rule."
Independent Owner/Operators ELD compliance
Now, it's one thing for a corporate trucking company to absorb that kind of cost, but what about independents? What if an independent needs to upgrade 4 or 5 trucks, and the worst case scenario happens. You are looking at, potentially, $30,000 dollars worth up upgrades, and if they aren't in compliance, they may not be able to get back on the road.
So far, there is no exemption available for owner/operators on ELD compliance, but legislation is in the works, and we'll keep you informed if that happens.
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