2015 College Scholarship Winner - Samuel Pasmann
Congratulations to Samuel Pasmann!
Sam is the winner of the $1000 College Scholarship Award from TruckerToTrucker.com.
He'll be attending the University of Portland this Fall to study for a degree in mechanical engineering.
This scholarship was created to help support the many different men and women (and their families) who are part of our Transportation Industry. We all rely on drivers, mechanics, truck suppliers and sellers, and many office professionals to keep the trucking and transportation industry strong.
Samuel's connection to transportation is through his father, Trevor Pasmann, who is a Sales Manager at the Kenworth Sales Company in Salt Lake City.
In his essay, Sam pointed out how a scholarship, even a small one, can be the difference between a student who gets to focus on their studies versus a student who must split their attention between studies and finding enough part time work to afford books and rent.
We at Trucker to Trucker are incredibly proud to be able to help relieve some of the financial pressure for Sam Pasmann and his family, so he can better focus on his degree.
More Scholarship Opportunities
Don't forget that we offer several scholarships throughout the year.
Also, we recently launched our Scholarship Resource page with information on over $18,000 in different scholarships and awards available to the driving and transportation communities.