Top Truck Appliances to Make Your Life Easier

August 14, 2014

Appliances For Truckers

Commercial trucking has never been an easy life, but there are some truck appliances available today that will definitely make life on the road more enjoyable. Driving a heavy haul truck will never be like checking into the Trump Towers, but the mattresses in today's sleeper trucks aren't bad. If you can find space in your rig to stash a couple of useful appliances and outfit your rig with a few comfortable accessories, highway life can be surprisingly comfortable.

Top Truck Appliances

Essential tools for the modern trucker include a truck GPS loaded with Lifetime Maps, laptop or tablet to connect to the internet, VIR electronic log books and CB radio. But life isn't all work. To upgrade your life on the road, check out's list of best truck appliances:

  • A 12-volt mini fridge keeps drinks cold; but it also saves you money and promotes healthy eating by allowing you to stock cheese, meat, fruit and salads in your truck. Save money on meals by keeping sandwich fixings and healthy snacks in your fridge.
  • A 12-volt microwave is the perfect companion for your fridge. Stock your fridge with microwaveable TV dinners or make your own at home and store them in microwaveable containers. Use your microwave to make hot coffee in the morning or pop a bag of popcorn at night.
  • A 12-volt TV lets you catch the game during your off hours or keep up with news about the weather and road conditions.
  • A 12-volt DVD player is a nice companion for your TV. Settle in with your bag of popcorn and chill until you can get back on the road.
  • With a truck filled with 12-volt appliances, a DC/AC inverter or generator is essential. Tip: For the best prices, check our truck accessories listings under Parts for Sale. If you're looking for something specific, consider posting a free want-to-buy ad.)

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