Rescued Pets

October 3, 2008

Truckers Pet Transport

For many truckers, a day on the highway doesn't have to be a day away from their pets. Because more and more trucking companies allow truckers to bring their families and pets along for the ride, big rig drivers can have all the comforts of home away from home, and that means Fido in the front seat. But not all dogs are as lucky as those who belong to the truckers who wouldn't dare leave them behind. In fact, across the United States dogs are found abandoned and homeless or abused. But this sad fact doesn't have to be a point of sorrow. Instead, a variety of charities have taken in these homeless pups, finding them foster and permanent adoptive homes. Usually, this is done via rescue web sites. Although this program works quite well it has one problem—travel.

A family in Chicago might very well be willing to adopt a dog from Houston, but how do they get there to pick him up? With today's fuel prices, expecting a family to take time off from work and school and pay hundreds of dollars to get across the country to pick up a pet is unreasonable.

That's where truckers come in. Truckers Pet Transport is a non-profit organization that helps pets become united with their adopting families. Because the truckers travel long distances every day, they volunteer their cabs to pets who need to get from one area of the country to another in order to be adopted or to find a new temporary home in another shelter. When truckers can pick up a pet, but can't get to that pet's destination, they can choose to keep the pet on board until they do make it to the destination or arrange a pick up with another trucker.

The organization, called Operation Roger prides itself on helping pets while saving resources. No extra fuel is used when pets are transported by truckers who were already heading in the direction. The organization also transports pets in the event of a family emergency, when it is necessary that the animals quickly find their way to new homes or family members who are across the country.

Operation Roger, or Truckers Pet Transport, is an opportunity for truckers to become temporary parents for pets who need to find new homes. To find out more about volunteering, and sign up,truckers can visit the organization's web site.

Phone / Fax
(800) 240-5811
Mailing Address
Trucker To Trucker, LLC 13330 SR 17 Grovertown, IN 46531