Looking For A Great Online Logistics Directory?

December 20, 2011

Procurement and coordinating logistics is extremely fast paced. It is one of the most important roles within a business, with owners, sales staff and customers relying on you to get the product from A to B as quickly, safely and cost effective as possible whilst providing the best customer service on all levels.

Not having a place where you can quickly go to easily source information required or not being able to search logistics services with ease at your finger tips is extremely frustrating, time consuming and stressful!

This is why online logistics directories were created. It is a tool that is used by business owners or managers, but also individuals, on a daily basis. Being able to find right logistics service providers by location or services offered, and having this information on a single, easy to navigate website, can save you time and money.

There are several logistics directories you can find on the Internet. Some have been around for many years, others are fairly new. The problem with the old ones is that they were created before the idea of Web 2.0 was born, therefore they are limited to the passive viewing of content, have unattractive design and confusing navigation, which makes them not very user-friendly. Some of the information listed might also be incorrect, since they haven't been updated for a long time. On the other hand, there are some new directories that consist of only a list of links to other websites, which makes them also not very informative or helpful.

If you need a good, comprehensive logistics directory, look for a site that provides these advantages:

  1. Content limited to logistics and transportation services . It is easier to find what you're looking for when the site focuses on logistics only, without the information that is of no interest to you.

  2. Friendly navigation and easy to find sections of the website. Well organized content and intuitive navigation are crucial while browsing a directory.

  3. Each listing provides all necessary details, including description, contact information, links, map, customers' reviews and ratings. That data will help you decide if you found a company you want to do business with.

  4. User-generated content and ability to contribute. When you can rate and review a listing , based on your own experience with that particular business, you provide very useful information, helping others make wise decisions.

  5. Attractive design and color scheme, inviting you to spend more time on the site and read all the information you're interested in.

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